If you are not completely satisfied with your order, simply return it to us within 30 days of its shipment date and we will credit you for the entire amount of your order less the shipping charges. Exchanges can also be made within 30 days of the shipment date.
You are responsible for any return shipping fees and/or package insurance.
Damaged or Lost Items
If you receive a package that is visibly damaged, please note the damage on the carrier's freight bill or receipt. Be sure to obtain a copy of that bill or receipt. Once received, please keep the original package, and please keep all packing materials and parts intact. Please contact us by email at or by telephone at 262-865-4187 within 5 calendar days after receiving a damaged shipment.
If you believe an order has been lost in transit, please contact us by email at or by telephone at 262-865-4187, as soon as you believe that a shipment has been lost in transit.